Anthrax Educational Video Series
Published on 15 August 2024
Brandu is one of the points of anthrax disease spread. Despite the gotong royong culture that underlies this tradition where people in Yogyakarta buy livestock that have died of disease at a low price to share with the local community, this tradition has the potential to spread anthrax disease. This is exacerbated by people's lack of knowledge about the dangers of anthrax and misconceptions about how to handle anthrax suspect meat.
In the case of sudden livestock death in anthrax endemic areas such as Yogyakarta, special care is needed in reporting cases to the iSIKHNAS platform for follow-up by animal health officers. This is one of the early detection efforts in the animal health surveillance system. Handling of healthy livestock in the vicinity is in the form of vaccination and sterilising the area of dead livestock and giving antibiotics to local residents. As anthrax is classified as a priority animal disease, vaccination provided by the government is free.
The sale of cheap meat from sick livestock is a tradition of gotong royong in the Yogyakarta community. However, this tradition can lead to the spread of anthrax disease. To prevent the potential transmission of anthrax, the Government has issued Food Law article 36 and Government Regulation No 89 of 2019 on food safety. These two regulations are also supported by Gunungkidul Regional Regulation number 13 of 2023, article 60 paragraph 4.