The second annual Vaccination Acceptance Research Network Conference (VARN2023): Shifting the immunization narrative to center equity and community expertise
Dipublikasikan pada 18 Juni 2024
Promoting vaccine acceptance and demand is an essential, yet often underrecognized component of ensuring that everyone has access to the full benefits of immunization. Convened by the Sabin Vaccine Institute, the Vacci- nation Acceptance Research Network (VARN) is a global network of multidisciplinary stakeholders driving strengthened vaccination acceptance, demand, and delivery. VARN works to advance and apply social and behavioral science insights, research, and expertise to the challenges and opportunities facing vaccination decision-makers. The second annual VARN conference, When Communities Lead, Global Immunization Succeeds, was held June 13–15, 2023, in Bangkok, Thailand. VARN2023 provided a space for the exploration and dissemination of a growing body of evidence, knowledge, and practice for driving action across the vaccination acceptance, demand, and delivery ecosystem. VARN2023 was co-convened by Sabin and UNICEF and co- sponsored by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. VARN2023 brought together 231 global, regional, national, sub- national, and community-level representatives from 47 countries.